About Me

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I'm a librarian by day, a writer by night, and a reader and amateur photographer in between. I love to share books and other things that interest me. My own book - The Marshal Meets His Match - released January 2013. You can also find me at www.facebook.com/ClariDees

Friday, April 6, 2012

Under the Lilacs

I loved reading Louisa May Alcott's books when I was a girl. I wasn't a fan of Little Women and all its sequels, but I really enjoyed her other books like Eight Cousins and its sequel, Rose in Bloom. I also enjoyed An Old Fashioned Girl. Another favorite was/is Under the Lilacs.

The arrival of spring and the fragrant scent of blooming lilacs made me want to go back and reread that old tale, but I haven't had a lot of time to read since I've been under an editor's deadline for edits and revisions to my manuscript. However, I do have an hour's drive to work both ways. So...I popped on over to Librivox.org and downloaded the free audiobook of Under the Lilacs.

Librivox is a wonderful place. Volunteers read and record books that are in the public domain, and listeners can download to their heart's content. Occasionally, you'll run across someone who isn't the best reader in the world, and readers can change from chapter to chapter, but usually, I get involved in the story and can ignore the individual quirks of the different readers. Besides, the audio books are free! And you can't beat that with a stick!

After loading Under the Lilacs onto my MP3 player, I kept myself entertained for two dull driving hours a day with the antics of Sancho the poodle, Ben the circus boy, and Babs and Betty the two enterprising little sisters who claim Ben and Sancho. This is a sweet, wholesome, old-fashioned story with many light-hearted moments, and I realized anew why I loved this book.

If you're looking for something to read or listen to as you drive, do housework, excercise, etc. May I recommend ...

It's free in Kindle version right now. And of course the audiobook is always free at Librivox.org/

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