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I'm a librarian by day, a writer by night, and a reader and amateur photographer in between. I love to share books and other things that interest me. My own book - The Marshal Meets His Match - released January 2013. You can also find me at www.facebook.com/ClariDees

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Love on the Line

What a fun, delicious read this was! I have read several of Deeanne Gist's novels, but Love on the Line  is my absolute favorite so far.

Georgie Gail is the SWT&T switchboard operator in the German town of Brenham, Texas. She has a passion for protecting birds, a fascination with the local Robin Hood-style train robber Frank Comer, and a distaste for the Texas Rangers who pursue him. Particularly, Texas Ranger Lucious Landrum, whom she saw in action against Frank Comer.

Lucious Landrum has been ordered undercover as Luke Palmer, a troubleman for the SWT&T lines in and around Brenham, Texas. The Rangers are sure Frank Comer operates from that area, and working on rural telephone lines is the perfect cover to uncover the notorious train bandit. Lucious Landrum hates telephones, but his determination to catch Comer is stronger than his distrust of modern conveniences. And the assignment may give him time to hunt some birds. With his rifle.

The detail in this book was well-researched and provided a wonderfully rich background for Love on the Line, yet never distracted from the story which, in itself, was absolutely captivating. I loved the plot of this story, and even found myself laughing at the antics of some of the secondary characters.
I was sorry to come to the end of this story and will have to read it again before long.

 Grab a copy of Love on the Line and treat yourself to the "luscious" romance between Georgie and Luke, a.k.a. Lucious. :-) (And when you read the book you'll understand the "luscious" reference. Trust me! ;-)

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